Hope Anchors the Soul ~ Hebrews 6:19

Friday, November 16, 2012


Happy Friday peeps! We made it!

Yep. This pic pretty much sums it up for me! I'm persistent to say the least, you know the saying "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again" well, i think i've always taken that a bit too literal..And..what's funnier is that this picture of this little girl looks similar to me as a child, i will have to find a pic to post of ** WAY ** back then.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

1 Corinthians 13:7-8

This is one of my favorite scriptures, so comforting.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

So Blessed

Our family
What can i say other than i feel truly blessed to have such a big family. I love my children to pieces. We have our fair share of sibling rivalry, chaos and growing pains but what family doesn't..you do too..right?! Haha..i'm hoping you said yes! I understand that those are the very things i will miss the most when my kids are all grown up ..SO.. i'm trying HARD daily to remind myself not to sweat the small stuff ~ i have not mastered that skill yet.. but.. i will keep trying!

Love & Marriage

May 2012 ~ My handsome hubby and I, 10 years together and counting.

I love this man with everything i have..he is so kind, hard working and has the sweetest soul. He is my best friend and i'm so lucky to have found such an amazing guy to share my life with. We have definitely had our trials and tribulations and drive eachother crazy with our quirks but we're still going strong 10 years later!